Chandra Nadi Pranayama & Surya nadi Pranayama

Nadis play a vital part in Kundalini Yoga.The term Nadi is derived from the Sanskrit root 'Nad' meaning 'motion'. "Nad" means movement. In the Rig Veda, 'Nad' means 'stream'. Nadis are the channels of Kundalini energy.There are the two nadis, nerve-currents one on either side of the spinal cord. Surya nadi is the right and Chandra nadi is the left nostril. They are also called Ida and Pingala, respectively. The Sun flows through the Pingala (right) and the Moon through the Ida (left). Quite naturally, Pingala is heating while Ida is cooling. In Suryabhedana one always uses the right nostril for inhalation.In Chandra Bhedana we uses the left nostril for inhalation.

Recent studies have reported differential physiological and psychological effects produced by exclusive right and left nostril breathing and clinical research is required to prove immediate and sustained efficiency of these techniques in various psychosomatic conditions such as hypertension . The present study was designed to determine immediate effects of 27 rounds of exclusive left nostril breathing, a yogic pranayama technique known as Chandra Nadi Pranayama on cardiovascular parameters in patients of essential HT.
Keep the head, neck and back erect. Inhale through the right nostril, then exhale through the left nostril. Repeat as often as required.

Ida or Chandra Nadi Pranayama : Feminine in nature, this is the channel of physical-emotional energy. It is also known as Chandra ("Moon") Nadi, is pink in color, flows downward and ends on the left side of the body.
                                                                       Nasika Mudra


*Sit in a Padmasana, Siddhasana, Vajrasana or sukhasana  .
*Perform Nasika Mudra with your right hand.close your right nostril with your  thumb.
*Inhales slowly through your left nostril for a count of 4.
*Now exhale through the same laeft nostril for a count of 8.Keep your right nostril close throughtout the
  duration up to practise,
*Repeat the Chandra Nadi Pranayama for a minimum of 9 rounds at each session.


The present study was designed to determine immediate effects of 27 rounds of exclusive left nostril breathing, a yogic pranayama technique known as chandra nadi pranayama (CNP) on cardiovascular parameters in patients of essential HT.

Pingala or Surya nadi Pranayama: This is the channel of intellectual mental energy and is masculine in nature and. It also goes by the name Surya ("Sun") Nadi, is blue in color, flows upwards and ends on the right side.


*Sit in a Padmasana, Siddhasana, Vajrasana or sukhasana  .
*Perform Nasika Mudra with your right hand.close your left nostril with your ring finger.
*Inhales slowly through your right nostril for a count of 6.
*Now exhale through the same right nostril for a count of 6.Keep your left nostril close at all times  throughtout the duration up to practise,
*Repeat the Surya Nadi Pranayama for a minimum of 9 rounds at each session.


Suryabhedana purifies the blood and destroys intestinal worms. Besides, it eradicates indispositions caused by Vata and, particularly helps cure rheumatism, helps increase gastric juices, enhance digestion and concentration at work. It also fortifies the nervous system and clears the sinuses. People with Vata and Kapha prakriti are usually advised this pranayama.